Back from the Abyss
The ravages of time and some unfortunate renovations had left this turn-of-the-century beauty in a sorry state. To provide an unnecessary view to this duplex’ lower floor, prior owners had erected a half wall in this sitting room, effectively negating seating and turning it into an unfortunate pass-through area.
In addition, the fireplace’s mantel had been covered by a glued-on mirror, and its stone work had been painted white. The room’s ornate tracery ceiling had also suffered water damage and neglect. We eliminated the half wall and extended the room’s flooring to permit fuller use of the space as a combined living/dining room. The staircase to the lower level was replaced with a sculptural spiral in a corner of the room.
Finally, we unmasked and restored the fireplace surround and restored the ceiling tracery to its original glory. Aesthetically, we wanted to evoke a swank gentleman’s club, which we achieved through a mix of dark, rich color , simple, streamlined upholstery, and an eclectic blend of vintage and contemporary furnishings.