When Spring hits Central Park, sure, it’s magic. But when Spring comes to the countryside, it’s magic squared. There is simply nothing quite like seeing a baby faun sidle next to her protective and watchful mother. After a long, icy winter it’s easy to relate to their luxuriating in a new world of abundant food and sunny warmth. Then there are the sprouting daffodils lining country lanes as cows and geese munch in soft, green fields. I mean, come on, is anything more fabulous?
Frank and I are fortunate to have weekend houses in the country. His, of course, is quite modern and mine definitely is not. But they both offer a welcome relief from noisy streets and endless concrete. At this time of year, we love to look out our windows to see budding trees and robins scurrying about to feed their hungry chicks. Inspiring? You bet.
But not all our time is spent looking out the window. We also do a bit of work. Besides shopping for clients and checking on our workrooms, we delve into domestic chores like putting away winter firewood and pulling out garden furniture in hopeful preparation for languid summer afternoons.
We also tend to be more active in our communities. This year I am joining forces with like-minded townspeople in Hillsdale, NY by helping to organize a Memorial Day weekend flea market. We are also working on an Historic House tour to be held later in the year. Both of these events will aid preservation and beautification efforts in this very special corner of the world.
So why not join us? Dig into that garden of yours. Pull out pots and plant them with bursting color. Join efforts to make your area a more beautiful place for all to enjoy. Or simply take a moment to seek out a bit of nature, whether it be in a city park or on a country lane. Now is the time to breathe in the fresh fragrances of Spring and allow them to inspire creativity and new ideas.