In 1965 when I was seven, I saw the movie, The Sound of Music. This was a big deal for my siblings, my cousins and me, because movies were frowned upon by many in our church. But my mother and aunt secreted us away to see it anyway, and was I ever glad that they did. I had many favorite parts, including the wedding scene (that dress… that music!), but the marionette show, The Lonely Goatherd really stuck with me.
First off, the whole scene took place in a GILDED BALLROOM! Besides that, the neoclassical theatre had a working curtain and multiple sets, and the puppets were, well, amazing. I decided a puppet theatre was something I simply HAD to have. Forty-some years later, I finally do. My partner, oddly enough was a puppeteer during his college years and shares my love for this theatrical art form. He found an enormous antique puppet theatre that had all the bells and whistles. A highly decorative proscenium, deep stage, various sets and backdrops, lights and a painted curtain that actually functions by using a backstage crank. And of course we have the puppets that go with it (Goatherd not included).
On Christmas Eve before dinner we put on a show for dear friends. Given that we both have theatrical backgrounds and good friends who work in the theatre, the production becomes a group effort. It’s definitely a good time. After all, what can be better than realizing (and sharing) childhood dreams ~ even if they come a few decades after childhood?