Do you dread opening your closet doors because the visual cacophony triggers yet another fashion meltdown? Here are a few tips that you may have heard before, but they bear repeating…
No Wire Hangers…EVER! Matching non-wire hangers make for a neater closet and help clothes keep their shape. Invest in good ones (plastic or wood) and they’ll last a lifetime.
In the Bag? Storing clothes in dry-cleaning bags can ruin fabrics permanently. Take your clothes out of the bags as soon as you get them home, otherwise that ivory silk gown could become a yellow-streaked nightmare.
It’s a Shoe-in. Shoehorns will add years of wear to your shoes by keeping them in their original, attractive shape. Pick up a pair when you buy new shoes and the investment will pay off.
If You Don’t Use It, Lose It! The best way to organize a closet is to dump the dead wood. Don’t hang onto clothes you never wear. Instead, donate those gently used items to Dress for Success so that homeless women joining the workforce have the attire needed for their new lives. Visit It’s a win-win!