At White Webb, we have the extreme good fortune to work with an incredible array of awesomely talented people on a day-to-day basis. Helping us to realize our designs is a cadre of creatives, ranging from the design assistants who work with us to an ever-expanding group of independent artists and artisans. In this issue, we take great pleasure in introducing you to two of these stars on the rise.
Sonya Sinha
- Sonya Sinha – Lady Chachalaca
- Sonya Sinha – Aquatic Sea Turtle
- Sonya Sinha – Clara’s New Bow
- Sonya Sinha – Go Blue
- Sonya Sinha – J Bird in Tree
- Sonya Sinha – Mi Amor Mi Amor
- Sonya Sinha – Tigger and Sushi do Lunch
- Sonya Sinha – Vaudeville Worm does Dinner and a Show
- Sonya Sinha – Vinnie the One Eyed Wonder Yak
We first met Sonya in 2004, when she joined White Webb as a spirited and creative Interior Design Associate. But it was only two years ago, when we received a surprise Christmas card, that we discovered her special talent for drawing marvelous illustrations. In her holiday greeting, she delightfully transformed us into festive monkeys climbing a snowy Manhattan skyscape. With “Monkey Frank” twirling atop the Rockefeller Christmas tree and “Monkey Matthew” happily swinging from the Cartier building, we were instantly enamored of her uniquely stylized artwork.
Now, through her firm, Sinha Design, Sonya has transformed this passion into a flourishing business. Picking up on subtle cues and real-life incidents, Sonya has a knack for aptly depicting her patrons as expressive animal characters in artistic vignettes. She is infatuated with vibrant colors, gorgeous patterns, intricate detailing and humorous story-telling. In 2011, Sonya collaborated with NYC Cares to paint inspirational wall murals in an inner-city high school, and she has been commissioned to create custom works for nurseries, children’s rooms, art exhibitions, publications and charity auctions. Currently, she is working on integrating her illustrations with interior design in some very new and innovative ways. We admire her talent and wit, and can’t wait to see what she draws up next!
George Venson
- George Venson – Grizzly Venom
- George Venson – Lillies
- George Venson – Peacocks
- George Venson – Nipples
- George Venson – Ladies
- George Venson – Morrocan Princess
- George Venson – Hands
- George Venson – Ears
- George Venson – Cockatoos
- George Venson Contact
We were introduced to George through a client, who was impressed with his talent and rightly assumed that we would feel the same. With degrees in Economics and Visual Arts from Rice University, George is a New York-based visual artist, who presents his artwork in the galleries and streets of New York, as well as many cities abroad. In addition to, and as an outgrowth of, his art, he creates stunning wallpaper and functional art for interior spaces and designers.
When we first met George, he shared some of his wallpaper designs, and we were awed by their uniqueness and beauty. Equally adept at painting and computer rendering, he produces wallpaper that is hand-painted as well as digitally reproduced. For his first hand-painted wallpaper, he created a strikingly edgy collection of playful nudes and abstracted figures set in gridded arrangements. Most recently, he designed his first line of digital wallpaper, which includes reproductions of his paintings of human body parts, dancers, peasants, mythical creatures, animals, plant-life, sea creatures, and gems. In this same line, he also incorporates found/readymade prints from China. For his next act, George is developing textiles and sculptural lamp shades and is eager to push his creative bounds to the max. He also dreams to begin a wallpaper and design collaborative with the many talented artists he’s met and those he hopes to meet. Based on what we’ve seen, it’s only a matter of time before his dreams become reality.