At my house in the country our growing season is surprisingly short, so this year for the first time we planted seedlings in two tiny prefabricated greenhouses.
The Hillsdale Town Hall Public Garden
The design of the Hillsdale Town Hall Public Garden takes its cues from the building itself ~ classic, simple and elegant.
Chicky Little
Over the winter we built a chicken house at my house in the country.
Saving Venice One Masterpiece at a Time
With 400 works of art now restored and more projects completed every year, Save Venice has protected priceless treasures and allowed scholars to study them in a way that would otherwise have been impossible.
Puppets, a Childhood Fantasy Realized
In 1965 when I was seven, I saw the movie, The Sound of Music. This was a big deal for my siblings, my cousins and me, because movies were frowned upon by many in our church.